
The Wave to Come
Ian Bremmer
May 11, 2017

Thomas Dworzak?Magnum PhotosParis rejoiced as Marine Le Pen fell short in her bid for the French presidency, but nationalism is far from defeated

The forces that made nationalism a crisis in the West will go global 

By Ian Bremmer

When the storm turns out to be less severe than the warnings, there’s always a sigh of relief?and maybe a bit of over-confidence after the fact. If fans of the European Union felt better after populist Geert Wilders came up short in the Dutch elections in March, they also took heart from the absence of anti-E.U. firebrands among the leading contenders for this fall’s German elections. Then came May 7. The victory of Emmanuel Macron over Marine Le Pen in France’s presidential elections signaled that “the season of growth of populism has ended,” Antonio Tajani, president of the European Parliament, said on May 8.

Not so fast. Europeans will soon remember that elections are never the end of anything?they’re a beginning. And whether the issue is unelected Eurocrats’ forcing voters to abide by rules they don’t like or fears that borders are insecure, there are good reasons to doubt that the anti-E.U. fever has broken. France’s Macron now faces powerful opposition on both the far right and the far left. Hungary and Poland are becoming increasingly illiberal. Brexit negotiations are getting ugly. And resentment toward the E.U. is still rising throughout Europe.

In the U.S., President Donald Trump may be pushing what increasingly resembles a traditional Republican agenda, but polls show that his supporters are still eager for deeper disruption. Trump’s embrace of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Egypt’s Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte suggests a lasting affinity with aggressive strongmen. His chief adviser and nationalist muse, Stephen Bannon, may be under fire, but he’s still there. The Trump presidency has only just begun.

In short, nationalism is alive and well, partly because the problems that provoked it are still with us. Growing numbers of people in the world’s wealthiest countries still fear that globalization serves only elites who care nothing about nations and borders. Moderate politicians still offer few effective solutions.

Now here’s the really bad news: an even larger crisis is coming. The popular fury convulsing Europe and the U.S. may well spill over into the rest of the world. Just as the financial crisis, which began in the West, produced rumbling aftershocks around the globe, so the nationalist explosion will rattle the politics of countries on every continent. Leaders in China, India, Brazil and others will face unprecedented challenges in managing this threat.

The emergence of a truly global middle class is one of history’s great success stories: more than a billion people have been lifted out of poverty, literacy rates have surged, and access to education and health care is now widespread. But this vast rising tide did not lift all boats, and those left behind are not happy. The headlines have all been about reaction in the West, where globalized trade has hit manufacturing and technological changes have transformed the workplace. Jobs are being eliminated, and the world’s original middle classes are shrinking. The native-born resent immigrants seeking work, and in Europe, the debt crisis plunged some countries into austerity and others into stagnation just as the surge of Middle Eastern refugees fed fears of crime, terrorism and loss of national identity.

Now some of the same storms are making landfall in the developing world, where governments and institutions are far less equipped to handle the stress. We’ve already seen the first chapter of this narrative with the quakes that have rocked the Arab world over the past seven years. Along with a crisis of governance, inequality and connectivity have played leading roles in these dramas as citizens become both better aware of how far they’re falling behind and more able to organize protests about it.

The Gini coefficient, a statistical measure of income inequality within countries, finds that the gap between rich and poor is moderately high in places like Russia, Turkey and Indonesia, and yawning in China, Brazil, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. As lower-income citizens in these countries become more aware of what they’re missing?decent housing, education, work opportunities, health care and protection from crime, in particular?the risk of unrest will rise. We’ve already seen previews of this in Brazil and Turkey, where millions of angry people have filled city streets to protest corruption, abuse of power and lousy public services in recent years. What happens when technological change in the workplace guts the new middle classes in developing countries like China and India, where government is held more directly accountable for the creation of jobs? What about Iran and Saudi Arabia, countries with fast-expanding populations of young people with fewer jobs created? In the Middle East, over 40% of the population is under 25. Can economies there create enough jobs to sustain them? For hundreds of millions of people across the developing world, a slide back into poverty is a fear that’s easy to visualize.

Then there is the question of identity politics. Globalization doesn’t move just goods and services. It moves people, feeding public anxiety by shifting the racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious makeup of communities, sometimes abruptly. Trump rose to power in part by leveraging fears about immigrants’ stealing American jobs. Immigration was also at the heart of the Brexit vote. Developing countries don’t have to worry about waves of migrants knocking at the door in search of a better life, at least not yet. But in many of these countries, “they” are already inside or live just next door. Even in countries with unchallenged boundaries, racial, ethnic, tribal, religious and linguistic differences can become fault lines when technological change creates economic turmoil. Political opportunism is universal.

In the West, nationalist politicians have seized the opportunity created by popular anger to boost their influence. But the structures that create stability in the West have proved to be resilient. Trump is still discovering the meaning of checks and balances. And majority rule kept Le Pen and Wilders out of power.

What happens in countries where these institutions are weaker and have less popular legitimacy? Expect similar figures to emerge?but with results that are even harder to predict. Nationalists rise to power by convincing citizens that they can defend “the people” against a predatory elite and the favored groups they protect. But the hated “them” isn’t always a domestic enemy or someone still hoping to come inside. If the leaders of Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia and China can’t help their citizens compete in a 21st century globalized economy, where might they look for culprits? In the past, governments have steered public anger toward other countries, which can easily turn into military conflagrations.

Others will respond to nationalist pressures by building walls. Some of these barriers will be between the state and their subjects?China’s government has taken steps to create a “social-credit system,” a sort of credit rating based on economic and social behavior that determines the opportunities available to a person. Beijing claims the plan is intended to create a harmonious society and a “culture of sincerity,” but it might also serve as a barrier between the ruling party and angry citizens. In India, the government has gathered biometric information on more than 900 million of its citizens for its controversial national identity-card program. There’s no telling how future governments will decide to use this great trove of data; the potential for surveillance is enormous.

Information, if tightly controlled, can divide. The Russian state dominates the television channels and websites from which the vast majority of citizens get their news. Since last July’s failed coup, Turkey’s Erdogan has used a state of emergency in his country to tighten media controls and punish outlets critical of his government. Then there’s the assault on information itself. The fake news that appeared on the Internet during the U.S. presidential election has long been standard fare in less open societies.

These kinds of barriers may be the future in a world that was until recently described as increasingly borderless. People will gravitate toward online enclaves of information and ideas, creating virtual walls between left and right, urban and rural, different ethnic and religious groups, the religious and the nonreligious. Between “us” and “them.”

Spencer Platt?Getty ImagesProtests like this International Workers’ Day demonstration in New York City on May 1 will become more common around the globe

How can we bridge the gap? Some governments are experimenting with solutions. Finland is addressing the changing workplace with a concept called guaranteed basic income. As part of a trial, it is sending monthly tax-free payments of about $600 to 2,000 unemployed citizens chosen at random. The recipients will continue to receive the payments even if they find work. The assumption behind the project is that future work is far more likely to be part time or self-employment?and that the unemployed are reluctant to take these sorts of jobs if they lose welfare benefits as a result. The opportunity to make more money in part-time jobs, it is hoped, will attract people receiving the guaranteed basic income, and their spending power will stimulate growth. Welfare bureaucracies will be cut, because there will be no need to maintain complicated databases to track the continuing eligibility of participants.

Local governments in Canada, the Netherlands, Scotland and Oakland, Calif., are reportedly planning to experiment with this idea. (The Swiss voted last year to reject it.) If the guaranteed-income idea seems antithetical to an American work-ethic-driven culture, consider that President Richard Nixon proposed a modest version of the basic income idea in the late 1960s. Other ideas are also out there. In Singapore, for example, government has created “individual learning accounts” to provide every citizen over 25 with money to spend on educational training.

There will be many more such experiments as governments search for ways to rewrite the social contract to ease inequality. But the effort demands capable governance and the resources to construct and sustain the transition to a new world. Where those do not exist, solutions are much harder to come by?and darker alternatives beckon: to increase control, to suppress instead of liberate and to lash out at reliable enemies.

Dealing with the forces that drive populism is no easier than dealing with the forces that drive climate change, and they are all too easy for political leaders to avoid. But ignoring either trend will produce an overheated world and rising tides. That’s why, no matter what headlines you may read this spring about the triumph of globalists over nationalists, the truth is that we’re all in this together.

This appears in the May 22, 2017 issue of TIME.












ここでアイデンティティ・ポリティックスという問題が生じてくる(*訳注:Identity Politics:主に社会的不公平の犠牲になっている、性、人種、性的傾向、障がい者等、特定のアイデンティティに基づく集団の利益を代表して行う政治活動)。グローバル化は単に商品やサービス提供に変化を起こすだけではない。人々を突き動かし、地域社会の人種的、民族的、言語的、宗教的あり方を、時には突如として変えることによって、社会不安を増幅させる。或る意味でトランプは、移民が米国市民の仕事を奪ってしまう、という恐怖を煽ることで大統領になった。移民問題はまた英国のEU離脱を問う国民投票の核心問題でもあった。発展途上国では今のところは、より良い暮らしを求めて押し寄せてくる移民の心配はない。しかしそんな国々の多くでは、「奴ら」はすでに国の内部に、あるいはすぐ隣にいるのだ。揺るぎない境界線を有している国であっても、テクノロジーの変化が経済的動乱を創り出した時、人種、民族、部族、宗教、言語の違いが亀裂を創り出すかもしれない。政治的状況がどちらにでも転びうる条件はどこにでもあるのだ。










The View in the Arena


The Ideological Challenge at the Core of Donald Trump’s Radical Presidency

By Joe Klein

In addition to a loaded slogan?“America First”?and a questionable demeanor, it is now apparent that President Donald J. Trump actually has a governing ideology. His Inaugural Address, the strongest and most coherent speech he’s ever delivered, was a clear statement of that philosophy. It may change the shape of domestic politics. It may overturn the international order that has existed for 70 years. It certainly deserves more than the “divisive” dismissal it received from liberals?and more than the puerile crowd-size diversion that its perpetrator stumbled into during the days after he delivered it.

Here’s the crucial paragraph: “For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We’ve defended other nations’ borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.”

The amazing thing about this litany is that most of the policies Trump criticizes had been peripheral to our recent political battles, at least until he came along. Indeed, the only one that had raised any heat?the “depletion” of the military?is a political fiction. The others, though, have been core assumptions of the leadership in both parties. And Trump is right. It may be time to test them and see if they still apply.

The two most important ones are subsidizing foreign industry and protecting other nations’ borders. The first is about free trade; the second, about overseas alliances. Both are more complicated questions than they’ve been made to appear by those of us in the establishment commentariat.

The traditional argument against free trade is myopic and simple: American jobs are going to Mexico and China. The traditional counterargument is more abstract: the price of children’s clothing atWalmart is much lower now that shirts are made in south China instead of South Carolina. Free trade, it is convincingly argued, has been a financial net plus for the U.S. But there has been a spiritual cost in a demoralized middle class, which leads to an existential question: Is the self-esteem inherent in manufacturing jobs long considered obsolete?think of those grand old steel mills?more important than the lower prices that the global market provides? Have we tilted too far toward market efficiency and too far away from social cohesion? Is there a middle ground? Trump’s insistence on changing the equation brings a long-neglected issue to the center of our political debate. He may be wrong, but the alienation that seems like a by-product of globalization needs to be addressed. A happier people may be worth the cos t of higher prices.

The second policy question, on overseas alliances, also rests on shaky ground. No one can gainsay the brilliance of the international architecture that Harry Truman and his Wise Men created, but it rested on two assumptions that may be out of date: the threat of communism and the scourge of European nationalism that created the carnage of the 20th century. There was a real fear of German militarism; even the Germans seemed to fear it. That the U.S. would protect Germany and the rest of Europe seemed an elegant solution?and it was, so long as the threat came from Russia. But the threat now is the tide of immigrants coming from the Middle East. It is fair to ask: Shouldn’t the Europeans spend more on their own defense? Shouldn’t they take a more active role in solving the Syrian crisis? Shouldn’t their militaries be protecting their borders? America’s inability to conduct land wars against militant Islam is manifest. (And perhaps the Europeans should do more to protect themselves against Russian jingoism as wel l.)

These are crucial questions, without clear answers. It is good that Trump has raised them. It is unfortunate, however, that he is such a defective messenger. His deficiencies were never more apparent than in his grotesque performance at the CIA on the day after the Inauguration. If his vision is to repair the country and stop trying to police the world, what are we to make of this ridiculous statement: “We should have kept the [Iraqi] oil. But, O.K., maybe you’ll have another chance”? And how many American brigades will you need to protect those oil fields, Mr. President?

There is a chance for a badly needed conversation about American priorities now, but only if we’re led by a President who understands what his own priorities should be.

This appears in the February 06, 2017 issue of TIME

The ideological challenge at the core of Donald Trump's radical presidency












Untangling Alzheimer’s: Simple Lifestyle Changes May Prevent Cognitive Decline

Mandy Oaklander

Aug 11, 2016

Majid Fotuhi built his first brain out of wood and foam. It was the best way, he thought, to help his fellow students at Harvard grasp how complex and beautiful the organ is. Fotuhi hired a pair of art-school students for the summer of 1993, and millimeters at a time, they sketched a dead human's brain that Fotuhi schlepped back and forth between the neuroanatomy lab and the art studio across campus. By the time classes started that fall, they had turned their sketches into a 5-ft.-high replica that hinged open to reveal hundreds of discrete parts, including some purple blood vessels and a peach-colored cortex.

Decades later, Fotuhi, now a neurologist who specializes in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, remains intent on the organ. "It's not this mysterious black box sitting up there, disconnected," he says. "It's tightly, tightly connected to the rest of the body, and you can take care of it the same way you can take care of your teeth."

Exercise/FitnessHot Yoga Is No Better for You Than Regular Yoga, Study Says


Hot Yoga Is No Better for You Than Regular Yoga, Study Says

Fotuhi has long believed that doing just that--taking care of the brain as well as you take care of the rest of your body--can stave off cognitive decline. For most of his career, that thinking put him in the minority; neurologists, stumped by Alzheimer's, have focused their efforts on trying to find a cure for the disease.

They have made progress, but doctors do not yet have a reliable way to treat dementia with drugs. At this rate, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias are expected to cost the U.S. $1 trillion in health care costs by 2050.

That projection is dire, but a glut of new research presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in July suggests that a path paved by reasonable lifestyle choices--including exercise and targeted brain training--may indeed protect the brain as it ages. "I felt like jumping up and down in the middle of the conference hall," says Fotuhi. "Diet, exercise, sleep and stress: those are generally not considered culprits for a problem as big as dementia. But for the first time, we have evidence that levels of tau"--thought to be a marker of Alzheimer's--"can change with lifestyle interventions such as exercise. The whole thing is coming together."

People have long puzzled over what causes some people to lose their mind in old age. In ancient times, dementia was believed to be an inevitable part of aging. Later, people thought it was a punishment from God for sin. Now, it's mostly blamed on Alzheimer's disease. Experts still don't know exactly what causes Alzheimer's, but in 1992 one idea, called the amyloid cascade hypothesis, took hold. It suggested that the excessive buildup of a protein in the brain--amyloid, which clumps together into plaques--is the main driver of Alzheimer's. The buildup causes another protein, tau, to twist into tangles and cut off the supply of nutrients to brain cells, ultimately killing them. This hypothesis propelled the search for a pill that can stop these plaques and tangles from forming or undo them once they're there.

The overproduction of amyloid is thought to be a cause of early-onset Alzheimer's, which can affect the brains of people in their 40s and 50s. Little if anything can be done to prevent early-onset Alzheimer's, though it is an active area of current research. But when it comes to the Alzheimer's that most people think of--a disease of the elderly that causes confusion and memory loss--there is a lot that experts still do not agree on, including whether the single-minded focus on amyloid and tau has been right.

Scientists like Fotuhi like to point out that plaques and tangles are sometimes found in the brains of people who don't have symptoms of dementia. Researchers in this camp often cite a story about Sister Mary, a tiny, social nun born in 1892 who had a thunderous laugh and taught until her death at age 101. In a late-1980s study of the lives and deaths of almost 700 elderly nuns, an autopsy revealed that Sister Mary's brain was so full of amyloid plaques and tau tangles that she met the criteria for Alzheimer's disease. Yet in life, her mind was reportedly sharp until the end.

Other research has suggested that amyloid isn't enough to explain all--and possibly even most--Alzheimer's cases. A 2015 article published in the journal Nature Neuroscience made the case for rejecting the entire amyloid cascade hypothesis. Meanwhile, other factors--such as heart health, sleep quality and physical activity--are emerging as potential ways to help prevent dementia in some people.

By taking factors like these more seriously, scientists are forming a whole new Alzheimer's attack plan: improve the health of the heart and you'll have a big impact on the brain. Lifestyle changes won't ever eradicate the disease. But they may be the best prevention we know of right now.

In a 2014 article published in The Lancet Neurology, researchers projected that almost a third of the cases of Alzheimer's disease worldwide--9.6 million of them--could be prevented by things that are within most people's power to change: hypertension in middle age, diabetes, obesity, physical activity, depression, smoking and low education were all found to play a role.

Of these factors, heart health seems to be the most important. According to an estimate published in the journal Hypertension, if every middle-aged American with high blood pressure got properly treated for it, about 25% of dementia cases would be wiped out. "Given that we spend almost $200 billion a year dealing with dementia, 25% is a pretty big savings," says Dr. Lon White, one of the authors of the Hypertension study and a neuroepidemiologist who spent much of his 50-year research career at the National Institutes of Health.

The link between the heart and the brain is logical when you think about it. "The brain is a sea of blood vessels," Fotuhi says, and because neurons require a lot of oxygen to fire properly, the brain uses 20% of the blood pumped by the heart. "For that reason, anything that affects blood flow affects the brain." When people have hypertension, obesity or Type 2 diabetes, the blood vessels don't work as well, the flow isn't as good, and the neurons become thirsty for oxygen.

Because heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans, doctors and public-health experts have focused their advice on heart health for the past 30 years, and today the rates of death from heart disease and stroke have declined. Researchers are now beginning to see a link outside the lab between stronger hearts and healthier minds. One study published in February in the New England Journal of Medicine dug into data from 5,205 people ages 60 and older who are part of the Framingham Heart Study, which has tracked dementia in its participants since 1975. Over the 30 years of data, the incidence of dementia in people with at least a high school diploma fell by 44%.

"We think heart-disease risk factors have a big effect on brain health," says Dr. Kristine Yaffe of the University of California, San Francisco, who is a leading researcher on predictors of dementia. "Lifestyle factors are so important, even though they sound sort of soft, and a lot of people therefore think they can't possibly be that effective. But I'm not so sure. They're not expensive, they don't have side effects, and they're good for the rest of the body too. So why wouldn't you make lifestyle changes?"

These natural interventions appear to have powerful effects on some parts of the brain that are vulnerable to aging. Consider the hippocampus, which is crucial to memory. It's one of the first regions of the brain to shrivel when people age, shrinking by about 0.5% each year after age 40. A smaller hippocampus helped researchers predict who would develop Alzheimer's disease in some studies. This brain region can also grow, however. When older adults without dementia were assigned to do aerobic exercise or light stretching for a year, the people in the stretching group lost 1.4% of their hippocampus, but those in the exercise group grew their hippocampus by 2%--the equivalent of reversing cognitive loss by about two years. Meditation has also been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus.

Dementia appears to plant its roots in the brain decades before a diagnosis, which is why many leaders in the field are looking for ways to detect it at the onset of the disease, not after problems start. Similarly, Fotuhi and his colleagues think that the earlier that people begin preventive measures, the better.

That said, it's never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. A randomized controlled trial presented at the Alzheimer's Association conference showed that even sedentary elderly people with mild cognitive impairment can improve their brains by starting to exercise.

With a trainer, half of the 70 adults in the study did 45 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise four times a week, while the control group did light stretching. After just six months, the active adults improved in tests of executive function, which rules tasks like organization and attention, compared with those in the control group. "It says that aerobic exercise is potentially antiaging, in a sense," says lead researcher Laura Baker of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. The study also found that tau protein was significantly reduced in the oldest people in the aerobic group. "To us, this is a phenomenal finding, because there is no drug trial that's ever been conducted to show that any drug now can reduce tau protein in cerebrospinal fluid," Baker says.

At Fotuhi's neurology practice in Virginia, the NeuroGrow Brain Fitness Center, he gives each patient a battery of cognitive tests to see their strengths and weaknesses, then puts them through a three-month boot camp that costs $6,000 to $7,000, depending on insurance coverage. People learn how to exercise, meditate, eat a Mediterranean diet, reduce stress and improve their sleep. They also play brain games that are tailored to their individual weaknesses, go through cognitive behavioral therapy and have hours-long sessions of neurofeedback, a technique that allows patients to see their brain activity in real time and modify their reactions with the help of a practitioner.

Fotuhi and his colleagues tallied the effects in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease. Of 127 older patients with mild cognitive impairment, 84% showed significant improvement in at least three areas of cognitive function. Of the 17 who had an MRI both before and after the study, eight had some shrinking or no growth in the hippocampus, but nine saw theirs grow by at least 1%. Fotuhi says he's taking his program nationwide.

It is still too early to know if interventions like these prevent Alzheimer's disease in the long run. "The frustrating part to me is we have a lot of treatable conditions in our patients and we're just focusing on the nontreatable part of their pathology," Fotuhi says. "We need to change the conversation to be about what causes better or worse brain health."

The fact that we can't yet treat it is only one frustrating part of the disease. Just knowing what it is remains another challenge: a March analysis of data from two long-term brain-autopsy studies revealed that what doctors diagnose as Alzheimer's disease in life looks a lot less obvious in the brain after death. Few people died with brain lesions indicative of pure Alzheimer's--suggesting that what we presume to be Alzheimer's may not, in fact, be Alzheimer's at all but rather a combination of several additional diseases experts know little about.

"It's like being stuck with cancer but not being able to tell whether it's liver cancer or pancreatic cancer," says White, who was an author of the Hypertension study. At this stage, it's proving difficult for researchers to figure out how many additional brain diseases there may be as well as how to treat them.

But the good news is that there is at least a suggested path. "My prediction is that one day, hopefully, Alzheimer's will be handled like cardiovascular disease," says UCSF researcher Yaffe, "with a combination of drugs and lifestyle factors."

Achieving something like real peace, which means a settlement with the Taliban and other power-hungry warlords, will be even harder. The Taliban remain unwilling to deal with the government in Kabul, and armed ethnic militias are girding for battle. Says Katulis: "We are not leaving behind a society poised to heal itself and move beyond its divisions." But we're not prepared to keep fighting a war for it either.

Untangling Alzheimer's











他の研究によると、アミロイドだけではアルツハイマー病のすべての症例を、いやおそらくはそのほとんどの症例を説明するには十分でないと言う。一方でNature Neuroscience誌に発表された2015年の論文によれば、心臓の状態、睡眠の質、肉体的な活動など他の要因が、認知症を防止する手段になるうることがわかってきた。


The Lancet Neurologyに発表された2014年の記事によれば、世界中のアルツハイマー病のほぼ3分の1(9.600万人)が、変えようと努力さえすれば予防できると研究者は提起している。中年の高血圧症、糖尿病、肥満、運動不足、鬱、喫煙、低教育などが作用しているとわかった。

これらの要因の中で、心臓の健康状態が最も重要であるようだ。Hypertension誌に発表された統計によると、もし高血圧症の中年米国市民全員をきちんと治療したと仮定すれば、約25%の認知症が完治する。「認知症の治療に年間ほぼ2,000億ドル使っていることを考えれば、かなりの節約になります」と「高血圧症研究」の著者の一人で、National Institutes of Healthで50年もの研究歴を持つ神経伝染病学者ロン・ホワイト博士は言う。


米国では心臓病が死因の1位だから、医者や医療従事者は過去30年間心臓の指導に焦点を当ててきたので、心臓病や発作の死亡率は減少した。今や研究者たちは研究室から外に踏み出して、健康な心臓と健全な精神の関係について研究し始めている。昨年2月にNew England Journal of Medicineに発表された研究は、フラミンガム心臓研究に含まれている60歳以上の5205人から集めたデータを分析した。フラミンガム心臓研究は、1975年から治験参加者の認知症を追跡している。30年以上の追跡データは、高校以上の卒業者の間では認知症の発症が44%少なくなっている。





治験参加者70人のうちの半分が、トレーナーと一緒に1週間に4回かなりな強度なエアロビクスを40分間、一方で別のコントロール群には軽いストレッチ体操をしてもらった。ちょうど6ヶ月経った時、強度のエアロビクス群は他のコントロール群に比べて、整理整頓能力や注意力を司る実行機能が改善した。「つまりエアロビクス体操は、ある意味で老齢化をくい止める可能性があるのです」とWake Forest Baptist Medical Centerの主任研究員ローラ・ベーカーは言う。またこの研究は、エアロビクス群の最高齢者のタウ・タンパクの減少が顕著にみられたという結果を示している。「これまで脳脊髄液の中にあるタウ・タンパクを減少させる薬を証明した治験はなかったので、我々にとってこれは驚異的な発見です」とベイカーは言う。

ヴァージニア州にあるフォツヒの神経学研究所NeuroGrow Brain Fitness Centerで、各治験者に一連の認知力テストを行い、加入している保険によって違いはあるが、6,000ドルから7,000ドルの3ヶ月間の訓練を施した。参加者はエクササイズ、瞑想の訓練を受け、地中海料理を食べ、ストレスを減らし、睡眠の質を改善した。また各自の力に応じて設計された頭脳ゲームに取り組み、認知行動セラピーを受け、何時間にも及ぶニューロン・フィードバック・セッションを受けた。このセッションは、リアルタイムで治験参加者が自分の頭脳活動を観ることができ、訓練者の助けを得ながら自分の反応を修正できる新しい治療方法だ。

フォツヒと彼の同僚はJournal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Diseaseに効果の記録を掲載した。軽い認知症状がある高齢者127人の中で、84%が少なくとも認知機能を司る3つの部位で著しい改善があった。試験の前後にMRIを撮った17人の中で、8人が海馬に縮小が見られるか、あるいは成長は見られなかったが、9人が少なくとも1%の成長があった。フォツヒの治験は全国的な規模で行われたという。





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